Getting Started
Beauty Secrets of Japan is supported by Partners across the globe to spread the word about BSJ. Whether you are a stockist, an online retailer, a distributer, or a storefront, our Japanese inspired handmade bath and beauty products will help you expand your offerings. If you have questions about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Already a registered Wholesaler? Sign in to your account.
Three steps to selling BSJ bath and skin-care products:
Step 1: Complete our Wholesale Account setup form below. We will review your request and provide approved vendors with a login within 5 business days.
Step 2: Log into your new wholesale account and setup your profile. Browse through our collections and shop for products directly online and add to your cart.
Step 3: Once you place your first order and receive our products, you are ready to sell (and we will add you to our Stockist list).